Elysian Cabaret


Hey there, beautiful people!

We’re thrilled to introduce you to Elysian Cabaret, Zurich’s latest and greatest “out-of-the-box” experience.
Elysian Cabaret goes beyond just being a show; it’s a platform where we can talk about mental health and other equally important conditions often unseen or not understood.

So, get ready for a fresh and exciting journey that’ll kick off your weekend on a...

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Artikel Preis Anzahl
Vorverkauf Ticket
Elysian Cabaret, 21.02.2025, 18:00
Verkauf geschlossen
Vorverkauf Ticket
Elysian Cabaret, 21.02.2025, 18:00
CHF 31.70
(CHF 30.–)*

Mindestalter 18 Jahre
Amtlicher Ausweis zwingend


  • Kreditkarte Mastercard
  • Kreditkarte VISA